Word(docx) to TXT Word(docx) to TXT

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Converter Word(docx) to TXT

DOCX is a more modern version of the DOC text file format, which appeared in Microsoft Word 2007 from Microsoft. It takes its name from the full name of Microsoft Word Open XML Document. As in the previous version, DOCX format files contain not only textual information, but also tables, charts, images, and you can perform any formatting actions with the text. The main difference is that a DOCX text document is not a binary file, but a set of separate files (XML files, docProps, Word and _rels folders) in a ZIP compression package. This gives maximum file security without damaging or losing data.

TXT is one of the simplest and longest existing text file formats. The full name of the format is Plain Text File, and the developer is unknown. Text files of this format are very small, and therefore have become very widespread. A TXT file contains text data organized as strings. As a rule, this is a standard text document without formatting. This format is universal, it is available to work in almost any text editor. But one of the simplest and most common is Windows Notepad. Files with the extension .txt are associated with this program by default.

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